home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 220 dim k1$(3) :rem keyword table
- 250 dim s3(75) : rem screen variable field table
- 280 dim ah$(500) : rem author table
- 310 rem
- 340 rem load screen matrix's
- 370 rem
- 400 read a : rem figure out how many screen tables
- 430 for m = 0 to a-1 : i=m*25 : read s3(i)
- 460 for p = 1tos3(i) : read s3(p+i) : next p
- 490 next m
- 520 at = 0 : rem prime for one time author table load
- 550 p1$="2":p2$="1":z$=","
- 580 goto 1870
- 610 rem
- 640 rem field filling subroutine
- 670 rem
- 700 bt=0:c1=1:r1=0:b$="": rem initialize back tab, row/column and buffer
- 730 gosub 1300 : rem tab to next field
- 760 gosub 1540 : rem read a character
- 790 if a$=chr$(13) then b$=b$+" ":goto 1180
- 820 if a$<> chr$(20) then goto 1000: rem check for delete key
- 850 if(c1=1 and r1=0)then 760:rem leave alone if at first position
- 880 b$=left$(b$,len(b$)-1) : rem shrink buffer by one
- 910 if c1=1 then r1=r1-1: c1=s3(q+2):bt=c1-1:gosub 1300:goto 760
- 940 c1 = c1 - 1 :bt=c1-1: rem back up one position if in middle
- 970 gosub 1300:goto 760 : delete previous except at beginning of field
- 1000 b$ = b$ + a$
- 1030 c1=c1+1 : rem bump col count
- 1060 if c1<= s3(q+2) goto 760 : rem check if end of columns
- 1090 r1=r1+1:c1=1:bt=0 : rem yes
- 1120 if r1< s3(q+3) then gosub 1300:goto 760 : rem if not last row tab
- 1150 if r1 < s3(q+3) then 760 : rem end of row/field? if not read more
- 1180 return
- 1210 rem
- 1240 rem tabbing subroutine
- 1270 rem
- 1300 print "";
- 1330 print tab(s3(q+1)+bt-1);
- 1360 for r3 = 1 to (s3(q)-1)+r1:print "";:next r3
- 1390 print chr$(18)" [157]"; :rem space for back tab
- 1420 return
- 1450 rem
- 1480 rem the following are keyboard read and cursor blink subroutines
- 1510 rem
- 1540 get a$:if a$ = "" then gosub 1720:goto 1540
- 1570 ifa$=","ora$=";"ora$=":"thena$=" " : rem purge input delimiters
- 1600 if(a$<" " or a$>"_")and (a$<> chr$(13) and a$<> chr$(20)) then a$=" "
- 1630 if a$<>chr$(13) and a$<>chr$(20) then print a$;:ps=1
- 1660 if f<3 and ps=1 then print "[157]";:ps=0
- 1690 return
- 1720 print chr$(146)" [157]";:forx=1to200:next
- 1750 print chr$(18)" [157]";:forx=1to200:next:return
- 1780 rem
- 1810 rem main menu
- 1840 rem
- 1870 f = 1 : rem set to form one
- 1900 poke 53280,7:poke 53281,2
- 1930 print "";"[147]";""
- 1960 print " welcome to personal library manager!"
- 1990 print ""
- 2020 print " do you want"
- 2050 print ""
- 2080 print " to update"
- 2110 print ""
- 2140 print " or"
- 2170 print ""
- 2200 print " retrieve abstracts?"
- 2230 print ""
- 2260 print " type 'u' - update"
- 2290 print " 'r' - retrieve"
- 2320 print " 'h' - help"
- 2350 print " 'q' - quit"
- 2380 print ""
- 2410 print " -->[ ]<--";"[157][157][157][157][157]";
- 2440 gosub 1540
- 2470 if a$ = "q" then load"hello connect",8
- 2500 if a$ = "r" then gosub 5770
- 2530 if a$ = "u" then gosub 2740
- 2560 if a$ = "h" then gosub 16300
- 2590 if f<> 1 then goto 1870
- 2620 goto 2440
- 2650 rem
- 2680 rem this is the update form
- 2710 rem
- 2740 f = 2 : rem set to form two
- 2770 poke 53280,5:poke 53281,7
- 2800 print "";"[147]";""
- 2830 print " do you want to"
- 2860 print ""
- 2890 print " add or delete "
- 2920 print ""
- 2950 print " abstracts?"
- 2980 print ""
- 3010 print ""
- 3040 print " type 'a' - add"
- 3070 print " 'd' - delete"
- 3100 print " 'q' - quit"
- 3130 print ""
- 3160 print " -->[ ]<--";"[157][157][157][157][157]";
- 3190 gosub 1540
- 3220 if a$ = "q" then return
- 3250 if a$ = "a" then gosub 3460
- 3280 if a$ = "d" then gosub 4840
- 3310 if f <> 2 then goto 2740
- 3340 goto 3190
- 3370 rem
- 3400 rem this is the add form
- 3430 rem
- 3460 f = 3 : rem set to form three
- 3490 poke 53280,14:poke 53281,1
- 3520 print "";"[147]"
- 3550 if se=0 then goto 3610
- 3580 print " re-enter abstract data[146]":goto 3640
- 3610 print " add an abstract"
- 3640 print " abstract title - [146]"
- 3670 print tab(19)" [146]"
- 3700 print " author - [146]"
- 3730 print " document title - [146]"
- 3760 print " abstract date - [146]"
- 3790 print " abstract - [146]"
- 3820 print tab(19)" [146]"
- 3850 print tab(19)" [146]"
- 3880 print tab(19)" [146]"
- 3910 print " type 'return' - tab"
- 3940 print " 'p' - process"
- 3970 print " 'q' - quit"
- 4000 print " -->[ ]<--"
- 4030 q=1: rem initialize field pointer
- 4060 gosub 700:rem - 1st field
- 4090 f1$=b$
- 4120 q=1+(1*4)
- 4150 gosub 700:rem - 2nd field
- 4180 f2$=b$
- 4210 q=1+(2*4)
- 4240 gosub 700:rem - 3rd field
- 4270 f3$=b$
- 4300 q=1+(3*4)
- 4330 gosub 700:rem - 4th field
- 4360 f4$=b$
- 4390 q=1+(4*4)
- 4420 gosub 700:rem - 5th field
- 4450 f5$=b$
- 4480 q=1+(5*4)
- 4510 gosub 700 : rem - action field
- 4540 se=1
- 4570 if a$=chr$(13) then print chr$(146)" ";:goto 3520
- 4600 se=0
- 4630 if a$ = "p" then gosub 9460
- 4660 if a$ = "q" then return
- 4690 if f<> 3 then goto 3460
- 4720 goto 4480
- 4750 rem
- 4780 rem this is the delete form
- 4810 rem
- 4840 f = 5 : rem set to form five
- 4870 poke 53280,8:poke 53281,3
- 4900 print "";"[147]"
- 4930 print ""
- 4960 if se=0 then goto 5020
- 4990 print " [144] re-enter delete data[146]":goto 5050
- 5020 print " delete an abstract"
- 5050 print ""
- 5080 print " abstract title - [146]"
- 5110 print tab(19)" [146]"
- 5140 print ""
- 5170 print " type 'return' - tab"
- 5200 print " 'p' - process"
- 5230 print " 'q' - quit"
- 5260 print ""
- 5290 print " -->[ ]<--"
- 5320 q=26: rem initialize field pointer
- 5350 gosub 700:rem - 1st field
- 5380 f1$=b$
- 5410 q=26+(1*4)
- 5440 gosub 700 : rem - action field
- 5470 se=1
- 5500 if a$=chr$(13) then print chr$(146)" ";:goto 4900
- 5530 se=0
- 5560 if a$ = "p" then gosub 14470
- 5590 if a$ = "q" then return
- 5620 if f<> 5 then goto 4840
- 5650 goto 5410
- 5680 rem
- 5710 rem this is the retrieve form
- 5740 rem
- 5770 f = 6 : rem set to form six
- 5800 poke 53280,5:poke 53281,1
- 5830 print "";"[147]";""
- 5860 if se=0 then goto 5920
- 5890 print " re-enter retrieve data[146]":goto 5950
- 5920 print " retrieve an abstract"
- 5950 print " enter abstract title, author's name,"
- 5980 print " both, or '*' in author field (to see"
- 6010 print " all authors and their abstracts)."
- 6040 print " enter up to three keywords and a '$' "
- 6070 print " in author for keyword search."
- 6100 print " title/keywords - [146]"
- 6130 print tab(19)" [146]"
- 6160 print " author/*/$/ - [146]"
- 6190 print ""
- 6220 print " type 'return' - tab"
- 6250 print " 'p' - print"
- 6280 print " 'v' - view"
- 6310 print " 'q' - quit"
- 6340 print " -->[ ]<--"
- 6370 q=51
- 6400 gosub 700 : rem get 1st field
- 6430 f1$=b$
- 6460 q=51+(1*4)
- 6490 gosub 700 : rem get 2nd field
- 6520 f2$=b$
- 6550 q=51+(2*4)
- 6580 gosub 700 : rem get action field
- 6610 se=1
- 6640 if a$=chr$(13) then print chr$(146)" ";: goto 5830
- 6670 se=0
- 6700 if a$ = "p" or a$ = "v" then gosub 12250
- 6730 if a$ = "q" then return
- 6760 if f<> 6 then goto 5770
- 6790 goto 6550
- 6820 rem
- 6850 rem below are tables for managing the variable fields of the forms.
- 6880 rem each table contains the
- 6910 rem count of items in the data list, in sets of four, composed of
- 6940 rem start row/column, length and depth of field.
- 6970 rem
- 7000 data 3 : rem number of screen tables
- 7030 data 24,5,20,20,2,8,20,20,1,10,20,20,1,12,20,20,1,14,20,20,4,24
- 7060 data 18,1,1,8,12,20,20,2,23,18,1,1
- 7090 data 12,12,20,20,2,15,20,20,1,23,18,1,1
- 7120 rem
- 7150 rem author table full/empty checking and filling routine
- 7180 rem
- 7210 if ah$(1) <> "" then goto 7330 : rem if table is not empty, jump
- 7240 at = val(p2$)
- 7270 for x = 1 to at
- 7300 input#3, ah$(x): next
- 7330 return
- 7360 rem
- 7390 rem convert record pointer to binary
- 7420 rem
- 7450 r1=val(p1$):r2=0: if r>256then r2=int(r1/256):r1=r1-256*r2
- 7480 return
- 7510 rem
- 7540 rem this routine bumps "at", the author table pointer
- 7570 rem and puts the author and the pointer "pf$" in the table
- 7600 rem
- 7630 ah$(at) = f2$: at = at + 1
- 7660 ah$(at) = pf$: at = at + 1: ah$(at) = "zzz"
- 7690 return
- 7720 rem
- 7750 rem disk error print rouitne
- 7780 rem
- 7810 print"";
- 7840 print b$;"-'return' to abort ";"[157][157]";
- 7870 gosub 1540
- 7900 if a$>=chr$(32) and a$<=chr$(95) then print "[157]";:goto 7870
- 7930 if a$<>chr$(13) then goto 7870
- 7960 close2:close3:close1:f=0:return
- 7990 rem
- 8020 rem disk err chnl read routine
- 8050 rem
- 8080 input#1,a,b$,c,d
- 8110 return
- 8140 rem
- 8170 rem garbage collection routine
- 8200 rem
- 8230 f1$="":f2$="":f3$="":f4$="":f5$="":u1$="":u2$="":u3$="":u4$="":u5$=""
- 8260 k1$(1)="":k1$(2)="":k1$(3)="":p1$="":p2$="":a$="":b$=""
- 8270 m=fre(0):return
- 8290 rem
- 8320 rem this rouitne bumps the temp abstract ptr by 1
- 8350 rem converts it to binary and does a seek of the abstract file
- 8380 rem
- 8410 tr=tr+1:p1$=str$(tr):gosub 7450
- 8440 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(r1)chr$(r2)chr$(1):return
- 8470 rem
- 8500 rem get three keywords from screen and put in table
- 8530 rem
- 8560 k1$(1)="":k1$(2)="":k1$(3)=""
- 8590 kx=len(f1$):kl=1
- 8620 for kc = 1 to 3
- 8650 for kz = kl to kx
- 8680 if mid$(f1$,kz,1) <> " " then goto 8800
- 8710 if kz=1 then return
- 8740 k1$(kc) = mid$(f1$,kl,(kz-kl))
- 8770 kl = kz+1 : goto 8830
- 8800 next kz
- 8830 next kc
- 8860 return
- 8890 rem
- 8920 rem keyword search routine
- 8950 rem
- 8980 kl=1:sw=0
- 9010 kx=len(u5$)
- 9040 for kz=kl to kx
- 9070 if mid$(u5$,kz,1) <> " " then goto 9310
- 9100 for kq=1to3
- 9130 if k1$(kq)<>mid$(u5$,kl,(kz-kl)) then goto 9250
- 9160 m1$="":m2$="[146]"
- 9170 u5$=left$(u5$,kl-1)+m1$+mid$(u5$,kl,(kz-kl))+m2$+mid$(u5$,kz,(kx-kz))
- 9190 kz=kz+4:kx=kx+4:sw=1
- 9220 goto 9280
- 9250 next kq
- 9280 kl=kz+1
- 9310 next kz
- 9340 return
- 9370 rem *****************************
- 9400 rem * abstract file add routine *
- 9430 rem *****************************
- 9460 if left$(f1$,1)=" " or left$(f2$,1)=" " then f=0: return
- 9490 open 1,8,15 : rem open command channel
- 9520 open 2,8,2,"abstracts"
- 9550 gosub 7990
- 9580 if a<20 then goto 9940 : rem if file is here, o.k.
- 9610 if a=62 then goto 9760 : rem file absent, go create it
- 9640 gosub 7810:return
- 9670 rem
- 9700 rem it did not exist, so create it the first time
- 9730 rem
- 9760 close2: open 2,8,2, "abstracts,l,"+chr$(83)
- 9790 gosub 7990:if a<20 then goto 10240
- 9820 gosub 7810:return
- 9850 rem
- 9880 rem get pointer record
- 9910 rem
- 9940 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(1)chr$(0)chr$(1)
- 9970 gosub 7990
- 10000 if a < 20 then input#2,p1$,p2$: goto 1024 0: rem get pointers
- 10030 gosub 7810:return : rem bad return
- 10060 rem
- 10090 rem we have to store and retrieve abstract in three parts.
- 10120 rem 1st is a record with title, author, magazine title.
- 10150 rem 2nd is magazine date. 3rd is abstrct only.
- 10170 rem we do this to get around the 88 character limit
- 10180 rem of the input statement.
- 10210 rem
- 10240 gosub 7450 : rem convert pointer p1$
- 10270 tr = val(p1$)
- 10300 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(r1)chr$(r2)chr$(1)
- 10330 gosub 7990: if a<20 or a=50 then goto 10390
- 10360 gosub 7810:return
- 10390 print#2,f1$z$f2$z$f3$ : rem write title author and magazine title
- 10420 pf$=p1$ : rem set ptr for author table plug
- 10450 gosub 8410 : rem date
- 10480 gosub 7990: if a<20 or a=50 then goto 10540
- 10510 gosub 7810:return
- 10540 print#2, f4$ : rem write magazine date
- 10570 gosub 8410 : rem abstract
- 10600 gosub 7990 : if a<20 or a=50 then goto 10660
- 10630 gosub 7810:return
- 10660 print#2,f5$ : rem finally write abstract!!!
- 10690 rem
- 10720 rem now load and update the author table
- 10750 rem
- 10780 open 3,8,3,"0:authors,s,r"
- 10810 gosub 7990 : rem is table there?
- 10840 if a = 62 then:close3:open 3,8,3,"0:authors,s,w":goto 10990
- 10870 goto 11260
- 10900 rem
- 10930 rem this is the first time author block filling routine
- 10960 rem
- 10990 at = val(p2$)
- 11020 gosub 7630 :rem go bump table pointers
- 11050 for x = 1 to at
- 11080 print#3,ah$(x): next
- 11110 gosub 7990 : if a > 20 then gosub 7810 : print#1,"s0:authors":return
- 11140 goto 11890
- 11170 rem
- 11200 rem this is the author table fill and update routine
- 11230 rem
- 11260 gosub 7210 : rem go see if author table is full, if not, fill it
- 11290 close3
- 11320 if at=500 then b$="author table full ":gosub 7810:return
- 11350 rem
- 11380 rem now find a spot in the table
- 11410 rem
- 11440 open 3,8,3, "@0:authors,s,w"
- 11470 gosub 7990: if a > 20 then gosub 7810 : return
- 11500 rem
- 11530 rem look for author, if hit, find end of pointers, shift everything
- 11560 rem right one slot, if no hit, then stick at end of table
- 11590 rem
- 11620 for y = 1 to at
- 11650 if f2$ = ah$(y) then y=y+1:goto 11740:rem if table end, fall through
- 11680 next
- 11710 gosub 7630 : goto 11830
- 11740 for x = (at+1) to y step -1 : rem shift stuff
- 11770 ah$(x) = ah$(x-1): next : rem right one slot
- 11800 ah$(y) = pf$: at = at +1
- 11830 for x = 1 to at
- 11860 print#3, ah$(x): next
- 11890 rem
- 11920 rem now update p1 and p2 , write them back and return
- 11950 rem
- 11980 print#1, "p"chr$(2)chr$(1)chr$(0)chr$(1)
- 12010 tr = tr + 1 : p1$ = str$(tr) : p2$ = str$(at)
- 12040 print#2,p1$z$p2$
- 12070 gosub 7990:if a>20 then gosub 7810
- 12100 gosub 8230 : rem do garbage collection
- 12130 f = 0:close2:close3:close1:return
- 12160 rem *****************************
- 12190 rem * abstract retrieve routine *
- 12220 rem *****************************
- 12250 open1,8,15
- 12280 open 2,8,2,"abstracts"
- 12310 gosub 7990
- 12340 if a > 20 then gosub 7810:return
- 12370 open 3,8,3,"0:authors,s,r"
- 12400 gosub 7990
- 12430 if a > 20 then gosub 7810:return
- 12460 c$=a$
- 12490 cd=1 : rem author only retrieve
- 12520 if f1$ = " " and f2$ = " " then goto 14320
- 12550 if f1$ <> " " and f2$ <> " " then cd = 2 : rem make same as code two
- 12580 if left$(f2$,1) = "$" then cd = 3 : gosub 8560 : rem keyword search
- 12610 if f1$ <> " " and f2$ = " " then cd = 2 : rem abstract only retrieve
- 12640 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(1)chr$(0)chr$(1)
- 12670 gosub 7990
- 12700 if a >20 then gosub 7810:return
- 12730 input#2,p1$,p2$
- 12760 gosub 7210 :rem check/fill author table
- 12790 rem
- 12820 rem this is the author table hunt routine
- 12850 rem
- 12880 if left$(f2$,1)="*" or cd=3 or cd=2 then x=1:z=1:goto 13120
- 12910 for x = 1 to (at-1)
- 12940 if f2$ = ah$(x) then x = x + 1:goto 13120
- 12970 next
- 13000 goto 14350 : rem no hit, return to menu
- 13030 rem
- 13060 rem now go to the abstract file and get data and print
- 13090 rem
- 13120 for y = x to (at-1)
- 13150 p1$ = ah$(y)
- 13180 if left$(p1$,1)>"@" and z=1then 14290 :rem prnt all - skip names
- 13210 if left$(p1$,1)>"@" then 14350: rem jump if end of author pointers
- 13240 gosub 7450
- 13270 tr = val(p1$)
- 13300 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(r1)chr$(r2)chr$(1)
- 13330 gosub 7990:if a > 20 then gosub 7810:return
- 13360 input#2,u1$,u2$,u3$ : rem get title author and magazine title
- 13390 gosub 8410
- 13420 if a>20 then gosub 7810:return
- 13450 input#2,u4$ : rem get date
- 13480 gosub 8410
- 13510 if a>20 then gosub 7810:return
- 13540 input#2,u5$ : rem get abstract
- 13570 if cd=3 then gosub 8980
- 13600 if sw <> 1 and cd = 3 goto 14290 : rem no keyword hit
- 13630 if cd=2 and u1$<>f1$ then 14290: rem does abstract match? jmp if no
- 13660 if c$ <> "v" then goto 14020
- 13690 print "[147][146]";
- 13720 print "abstract title[146]":print u1$
- 13750 print "author[146]":print u2$
- 13780 print "document title[146]":print u3$
- 13810 print "abstract date[146]":print u4$
- 13840 print "abstract[146]":print u5$
- 13870 print "more - y/n - ";:gosub1540
- 13900 if a$="n" then goto 14350
- 13930 if a$ <> "y" then print "[145]":goto 13870
- 13960 if cd=2 then goto 14320
- 13990 goto 14290
- 14020 open4,4
- 14050 print#4,"abstract title - ";u1$,chr$(10)
- 14080 print#4,"author - ";u2$,chr$(10)
- 14110 print#4,"document title - ";u3$,chr$(10)
- 14140 print#4,"abstract date - ";u4$,chr$(10)
- 14170 print#4,chr$(16) "36abstract",chr$(10),chr$(10)
- 14200 print#4,u5$,chr$(10),chr$(10),chr$(10)
- 14230 close4
- 14260 if cd=2 then goto 14320
- 14290 next
- 14320 gosub 8230 : rem do garbage collection
- 14350 f=0: z=0: sw=0 : close2:close3:close1:return
- 14380 rem ******************************
- 14410 rem * this is the delete routine *
- 14440 rem ******************************
- 14470 if left$(f1$,1) = " " then f=0: return
- 14500 open 1,8,15
- 14530 open 2,8,2,"abstracts"
- 14560 gosub 7990
- 14590 if a>20 then gosub 7810:return
- 14620 open3,8,3,"@0:authors,s,w"
- 14650 if a>20 then gosub 7810:return
- 14680 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(1)chr$(0)chr$(1)
- 14710 gosub 7990
- 14740 if a>20 then gosub 7810:return
- 14770 input#2,p1$,p2$
- 14800 rem
- 14830 rem now retrieve all abstracts until the end or hit; if no hit exit.
- 14860 rem if hit, mark abstract title with high value. then go read
- 14890 rem author table and shrink table where pointer is to abstract file.
- 14920 rem
- 14950 ab = val(p1$)
- 14980 for x = 2 to (ab-3) step 3
- 15010 t1$ = str$(x):p1$=right$(t1$,len(t1$)-1)
- 15040 gosub 7450
- 15070 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(r1)chr$(r2)chr$(1)
- 15100 gosub 7990:if a>20 then gosub 7810:return
- 15130 input#2,u1$,u2$,u3$
- 15160 if f1$<>u1$ then goto 15340
- 15190 f2$ = u2$ : u1$ = chr$(255) : rem mark deleted!!!!
- 15220 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(r1)chr$(r2)chr$(1)
- 15250 gosub 7990:if a>20 then gosub 7810:return
- 15280 print#2,u1$z$u2$z$u3$
- 15310 goto 15400
- 15340 next
- 15370 goto 16150 : rem no hit, exit
- 15400 gosub 7210 : rem check/fill author table
- 15430 rem
- 15460 rem find author
- 15490 rem
- 15520 for x = 1 to (at-1)
- 15550 if f2$ = ah$(x) then x = x + 1 : goto 15640
- 15580 next
- 15610 goto 16150 : rem no hit, exit
- 15640 for y = x to (at-1)
- 15670 if left$(ah$(y),1)>"@" then 16150 : rem no hit for some reason
- 15700 if ah$(y) = p1$ then goto 15760
- 15730 next
- 15760 for q = y to (at-1) : rem shift table
- 15790 ah$(q) = ah$(q+1) : rem left one
- 15820 next
- 15850 at = at -1
- 15880 for x = 1 to at
- 15910 print#3,ah$(x):next
- 15940 rem
- 15970 rem now update p2$ and write it back to file
- 16000 rem
- 16030 print#1,"p" chr$(2)chr$(1)chr$(0)chr$(1)
- 16060 p2$ = str$(at):p1$=str$(ab)
- 16090 print#2,p1$z$p2$
- 16120 gosub 7990: if a>20 then gosub 7810
- 16150 gosub 8230 : rem do garbage collection
- 16180 f=0: close2:close3:close1:return
- 16210 rem ****************
- 16240 rem * help routine *
- 16270 rem ****************
- 16300 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,5
- 16330 print "[144]"
- 16360 print "[147]"
- 16390 print " personal library manager is used for"
- 16420 print " storing, retrieving, and deleting"
- 16450 print " information (ie. abstracts) on docu-"
- 16480 print " ments in a data base. minimun equip-"
- 16510 print " ment and software requirements are:"
- 16540 print " - c64 commodore computer,"
- 16570 print " - c1541 disk drive, or compatabile "
- 16600 print " unit,"
- 16630 print " - video monitor,"
- 16660 print " - and rom basic."
- 16690 print " optional equipment is an mps 801 "
- 16720 print " printer or compatabile unit."
- 16750 print " continue - y/n - ";:gosub 1540
- 16780 if a$="n" then f=0:return
- 16810 if a$<>"y" then print "[145][145]":goto 16750
- 16840 print "[147]"
- 16870 print " to use this program, simply fill in"
- 16900 print " the blanks on the various screen forms"
- 16930 print " and give the form the appropriate"
- 16960 print " command. here are some hints for"
- 16990 print " using the form commands:"
- 17020 print " - 'q'uit always returns to the pre-"
- 17050 print " vious form; at the greeting form"
- 17080 print " it does a kernal cold start,"
- 17110 print " - 'p'rocess makes the desired action"
- 17140 print " take place,"
- 17170 print " - 'v'iew shows on the monitor only,"
- 17200 print " - 'p'rint shows on the printer only,"
- 17230 print " - 'return' moves the cursor to the"
- 17260 print " next field and places your data"
- 17290 print " into the disk buffer. at the "
- 17320 print " action field, it moves the cur-"
- 17350 print " sor back to the first data field,"
- 17380 print " - 'del' deletes the last character,"
- 17410 print " - and finally, changing an abstract"
- 17440 print " can be effected by deleting then"
- 17470 print " adding the desired document."
- 17500 print " continue - y/n - ";:gosub 1540
- 17530 if a$="n" then f=0:return
- 17560 if a$<>"y" then print "[145][145]":goto 17500
- 17590 goto 16360
- 17950 end